Tuesday 5 April 2011

What benefits does Bukit Timah Nature Reserve offer to Singapore?

If man doesn't learn to treat the oceans and the rain forest with respect, man will become extinct.
Peter Benchley

Bukit Timah is a hill in Singapore which stands at an altitude of 163.63 metres and is the highest point in the city-state of Singapore. 
Bukit Timah, which literally means "tin hill" in Malay, was identified in 1828. As much of Singapore's original vegetation had been cleared for logging and cultivation, Bukit Timah Nature Reserve should be protected as it is one of the small patch of primary rainforest left in Singapore. 

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve are homes to more than 840 flowering plants and over 500 species of animals (including butterflies). Some of these species are actually native to Singapore. With such an astonishing variety of plants, animals and insect life, the nature reserves are indeed treasure houses of Singapore's biodiversity. As Singaporeans we should be proud of it as even though Singapore is a small country, we still have quite a number of species of flora and fauna present in Singapore. These include towering trees, climbing palms, ferns, orchids, gingers and strange blooms. Hardwood trees such as seraya and meranti can also be found in the forest. The most commonly animals encountered are the Long-tailed Macaques or monkeys. 

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is also storehouses of water. As Singapore has limited water supply, the government has to find way to increase the water supply. By having nature reserve, it is able to serve its function as a water catchment area. This increases the Singapore water supply. In this way Singapore do not have to depends on other countries for water. The nature reserves also ensure the quality of water in the reservoirs. This a cheaper method of increasing water supply in Singapore compared to desalination etc. which involves a high expenses. 

As Singapore was previously an island that was covered forest, it is essential that we protect Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. Rainforests are important as they are part of our natural heritage. Singapore is one of the only 2 cities in the world with a sizeable area of primary rainforests within its built-up area. As tropical rainforests such as the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, can only be found in the cilmates such as ours, it is important for us to protect and conserve them.

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is also known to have some medicinal properties. Tropical rainforests such as the one we have in Singapore take hundred of years to develop. Some speceis of the plants in the rainforests have medicinal properties. If forests are cleared, some of these plants may become extinct before medicinal value is discovered. 

Lastly, as Singaporeans live a hectic lifestyle, nature reserves such as Bukit Timah Nature Reserve allows them to escape from the city lifestyle and enjoy the ambience of the beatiful nature reserve. The rainforests provide opportunities for recreational activites like hiking, bird-watching or mountain biking. It is also a place for a nature lovers to appreciate the wide variety of plants and insects that can be found in the forests. 

In summary, Bukit Timah Nature Reserve offers many things to Singapore. This things may include medicinal properties, part of our natural heritage, a place to escape when Singaporean are facing stress, home to a variety of flora and fauna and lastly its also serve as a water catchment areas. As we can see that Bukit Timah Nature Reserve offers a great deal of things, we should conserve it before the remaining forest in Singapore is cleared. 

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