Saturday 14 May 2011

What can I do to help the conservation effort in Singapore?

In Singapore there are many conservation efforts being carried out to save the last remaining rainforest. Conservation effort in Singapore not only involves the government but also the individual and community. 

In fact in Singapore there are many campaigns and awareness programmes being organised to inform the public about the various ecosystem Singapore has. In Singapore there are several organisations being set up in conserving these ecosystem. For example is WWF Singapore and the Wildlife Reserves Singapore Conservation Fund (WRSCF) which conducts various programmes in saving Singapore ecosystem The WRSCF focus on bird conservation, conservation of other native wildlife and impact of climate change on conservation. However all of this is not enough in conserving Singapore ecosystem. 

We as a community and individuals have to do our part in order to help the conservation in Singapore. We must voice out for these animals that is not able to speak for themselves. As individuals we help in beach cleaning. During the weekends we can spend our time by going to the beach and clear the litter being found there. We can even encourage our peers and family members to join us in beach cleaning. In this way we encourage family bonding while saving the environment. 

Besides this we can make out voice heard by writing in forums or signing petitions. In this way, people will know how we feel about the conservation effort in Singapore. This encourages people to join in to conserve Singapore ecosystem. For example the reclamation of land in Singapore has destroyed Singapore's coral reef. By signing petitions, the government will know what we feel and reconsider the idea of reclaiming land.

Lastly, we can be a volunteer in any organizations that aims in conserving Singapore's remaining ecosystem. For instance, the NParks has organise various volunteer works such as organising campaigns for the public, field research surveys and many more which aims in conserving Singapore conservation effort. 

We must work hand in hand in order to help the conservation effort in Singapore. For this to happen, we must be hard working and has the passion to do so.